What is Your Bot Vision? When and How to Scale Robotic Process and Cognitive Automation



Many companies have accomplished Bot 1.0. They’ve assessed the need for and implemented their first wave of bots. They’re tracking and measuring the results – and they like what they see. Their initial investments are paying off.

“To become truly digital companies, enterprises today need to move from Bot 1.0 to Bot 3.0.”

But to become truly digital companies, enterprises today need to get to Bot 3.0. That is, they need a digital platform with a framework that allows them to scale – and to coordinate automation initiatives across an international or possibly even global footprint. They need to extend adoption both horizontally and vertically across their enterprises and reach across corporate functions such as supply chain, IT and HR. To achieve additional benefits and further strengthen the broader business case, enterprises need to update their “bot vision” to include cognitive automation and analytics, and continuously improve how they use automation to support both IT and business goals.

Want to know what the future of automation in business looks like? The graphic below depicts the phases of growth.


Figure 1: Bot 1.0 ... Bot 2.0 ... Bot 3.0

Your “bot vision” – what your business will look like at Bot 3.0 – should be documented in a living strategy document that can be revised as needed.

Your “bot vision” – what your business will look like at Bot 3.0 – should be documented in a living strategy document that can be revised as needed. The strategy and implementation plan should encompass all aspects of automation (e.g., RPA, autonomics and cognitive) and be organized in three phases: setting the context, establishing a vision for the future state of automation and developing a strategy to make it happen. This ISG white paper, What is Your Bot Vision? When and How to Scale Robotic Process and Cognitive Automation, explores these three phases to prepare you for Bot 3.0.
