
Banking and Financial Services Transformation


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Three Predictions that Will Power the Banking and Financial Services Market in 2024

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Banking operations for a customer-obsessed industry

Let us help you find and implement the right technologies to improve your customer experience, optimize data and transform your business model.

Optimize Costs and Maximize Financial Transparency

Support your Technology Business Management journey to ensure business value is realized
Provide practical FinOps advice to drive better cloud economics
Benchmark your technology and operations costs against your peers to identify areas for improvement
Develop a new way of approaching cost optimization to make it sustainable and enduring
Design the optimal cost structure, including embedding a new cost culture and virtual cost center of excellence

Improve Employee Experience and Productivity

Measure, benchmark and track employee experience
Perform a skills assessment to identify the gaps and opportunities to improve
Enable employees and develop the optimal Learning & Development strategy, including Training-as-a-Service
Design and implement new ways of working, including the right talent strategy
Transform HR operations to improve employee engagement

Develop Next-Gen Supplier Strategy and Ecosystems

Provide insight into next-gen supplier strategies, including new ways of segmentation, tail spend consolidation, new sourcing models and innovative commercial structures
Advise on how to manage newly emerging ecosystems, including Banking as a Service, FinTechs, Big Techs, hyperscalers, niche suppliers, etc.
Provide third-party risk management assurance and optimized governance solutions
Advise on how to leverage emerging tech (such as GenAI) in contracts with suppliers for outsourcing and/or transformation
Provide insight into Global Capability Center strategy, including drivers, KPIs, commercial structures and supplier ecosystem
2023 Banking Industry Study

ISG Banking Industry Study

ISG's recent study shows the banking industry's top priorities are operational efficiency and customer experience.

Download the Summary      Contact Us for Full Access

Reinventing Bank Branches

Will most people go back to purely in-person banking? No. But the demise of bank branches is greatly exaggerated - a recent Celent report says that 77% of customers want to be face-to-face for substantive discussions about their finances.

Read ISG’s whitepaper to learn how to reimagine your #branchstrategy for the future of banking.

Read Here

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Trends Shaping the Financial Services Industry

Important Factors for Digital Success

Client Stories

Swiss Bank Receives ADM Sourcing Strategy Support

Jul 11, 2023, 17:03 PM
A recent ISG engagement with a large Swiss bank helped refine the company's ADM sourcing strategy.
Title : Swiss Bank Receives ADM Sourcing Strategy Support
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The Swiss bank wanted to conduct an assessment of existing sourcing practices across technology to achieve multiple outcomes:

  • Benchmark the rates being paid,
  • Understand what the optimal framework for such services should be, and
  • By Line of Business (LOB), select a panel of firms to deliver technology services, based on the above assessment.

Geographical scope included UK, Switzerland, USA, Singapore and Hong Kong.


  • ISG conducted an assessment of current technology spend frameworks, including costs, commercial models and grades/tiers against our world-renowned rates database.
  • We compared the results against what we typically see in the market to identify gaps and opportunities for improvement.
  • ISG also recommended a selection of new and alternative firms for consideration by the bank.
  • We then supported an request for information (RFI) sourcing process to determine the optimal set of firms (for each LOB) to select for each preferred panel based on commercial approach and rates.
  • Standardized grades and tiers – ISG helped the bank create standard tiers and grades for technology services to drive consistency and alignment, including for example whether or when to allow premium day rates for premium skills.
  • Target Rates– ISG enabled the bank to determine the set of target rates for each grade in each geography.
  • Negotiation strategy to ensure the identified opportunities could be realized.
  • Preferred panels – ISG enabled the bank to create panels of preferred technology firms by category and Line of Business which is contributing to solution creativity and choice, whilst not detracting from competitive tension.
Categories :
  • Banking & Financial Services
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bank adm sourcing strategy bank adm sourcing strategy
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